Overgas designs and implements complete energy solutions based on state-of-the-art business efficiency technologies.

Gas Boilers
Gas boilers are designed to provide heating and hot water based on optimal fuel consumption, minimal negative impact on the environment and maximum comfort. Their efficiency is very high, it reaches 94-96% and they are extremely efficient, which contributes to savings compared to other appliances.
Boilers may be connected in cascade installations that have a wide range of heating capacity. The number and sequence of the individual boilers and their loads vary depending on the daily or instantaneous needs of heating and hot water. Cascade installations may provide heating and hot water for large premises, such as commercial complexes, office buildings, residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, etc.

Cogenerator is a system for simultaneous production of heating and electricity.
Cogeneration systems are a modern and flexible alternative to classical centralized power generation technologies that enable the achievement of high energy performance at low losses and rapid return on inputs.
Suitable for efficient cogeneration are the following premises:
- swimming pools and SPA centers;
- multifamily residential buildings and complexes;
- holiday villages;
- hotels;
- administrative buildings;
- hospital and sanatorium complexes;
- greenhouses.

Gas Heat Pumps
Gas heat pumps are the best systems for improving the comfort in hotels, industrial buildings, hospitals and facilities with general boiler installations.
Suitable for newly built sites with an area between 400 sq.m. and 1,000 sq.m. gas heat pump systems provide air conditioning, heating and domestic hot water with uniform high-efficiency natural gas .
Gas heat pumps are the alternative to the electrical ones and combine the high transfer ratio of electric heat pumps (COP/EER up to 4.5-5 at 1.2-1.3 of the absorbtion LiBr chiller) with the cheaper energy for their actuation by gas with internal combustion engines.

Fuel Cells
Natural gas fuel cells (NGFCs) are electrochemical type cogenerators that convert the energy of hydrogen contained in natural gas into electric and thermal energies. As with combustion, the gas and air enter the NGFCs, releasing water, insignificant quantities of oxides and a lot of heat, and also generating electricity.
NGFCs may be used wherever the conventional battery is used, but their cost-effective use is intended for heating, electricity, cooling and steam production.
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